Sleep Test in Chennai

Sleep Test

Brand: Generic

3,599.00 ₹11,000.00
In Stock

Key Features

Sleep Study Level Level 3/ Level 2
Disorders Diagnosed Sleep Apnea
Reporting Parameters AHI, Oxygen Saturation , Pulse Rate, Snoring Pattern
View Full Specifications


Sleep Study Test in Chennai

Sleep apnea disrupts breathing during sleep, leading to low oxygen levels and other health issues. If you're in Chennai and suspect you have sleep apnea, a sleep study test can diagnose the condition. Our sleep study tests diagnose various sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and narcolepsy. 

What is Home Sleep Apnea test (HSAT) in Chennai?

A sleep study test can be conveniently conducted at home using a home sleep apnea test (HSAT). The HSAT is a simplified version of the traditional in-lab sleep study, making it possible for you to complete the test in your own home.

During the test, you'll wear a small device that monitors various parameters such as breathing, heart rate, and oxygen levels while you sleep. This data helps healthcare professionals accurately diagnose conditions like sleep apnea, insomnia, and restless leg syndrome.

Level 2 Sleep Study Test

A Level 2 sleep study is a more comprehensive home test and it involves wearing an advanced device that records your breathing, heart rate, oxygen levels, body position, snoring, leg movements, muscle movements, and brain activity.

Level 2 tests are more accurate and can diagnose a wider variety of sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and periodic limb movement disorder. They are ideal for individuals with a moderate to high probability of having sleep apnea or other sleep disorders.

Level 3 Sleep Study Test

A Level 3 sleep study is a basic home test that measures a few essential parameters, such as breathing, heart rate, and oxygen levels. You'll be provided with a small device to wear while you sleep, which records these metrics along with other factors like body position and snoring. Level 3 tests are suitable for individuals with a high likelihood of sleep apnea and no other major health issues.

Benefits of an In-Home Sleep Apnea Test in Chennai

There are several benefits of taking a sleep apnea test in Chennai:

  • Comfort of your own home: You can take the test in a familiar environment, which may lead to better sleep and more accurate results.
  • Non-invasive and painless: The test is simple and does not involve any needles or surgical procedures.
  • Cost-effective: An in-home sleep study is generally more affordable than a traditional lab-based sleep study.
  • Accurate and reliable results: Modern devices used in home sleep tests are highly accurate and can provide reliable data for diagnosis.

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, seeking treatment promptly is essential. The most common treatment is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy. Other treatment options include:

  • Oral appliances: These are custom-fitted devices that help keep your airway open by repositioning your jaw.
  • Surgery: Surgical options may be considered in severe cases or when other treatments fail.
  • Lifestyle changes: Weight loss, quitting smoking, and avoiding alcohol can significantly improve sleep apnea symptoms.


1. How much does a sleep apnea test cost in Chennai?

The cost of a sleep apnea test in Chennai can vary depending on the type of test you choose. A Level 2 sleep study costs between Rs. 5000-7000 in Chennai, while a Level 3 sleep test costs around Rs. 3500-4000.


2. How long does the in-home sleep apnea test take in Chennai?

The in-home sleep apnea test typically takes one night to complete. 


3. How much does a Level 2 sleep study cost in Chennai?

A Level 2 sleep study costs between Rs.5000-7000 in Chennai.


4. Can a sleep study be done at home in Chennai?

Yes, a sleep study can be done at home using a portable device that records your breathing, heart rate, oxygen levels, and other vital signs based on the type of sleep study you choose.


5. Can children undergo a sleep apnea test at home in Chennai?

Yes, children can undergo a sleep apnea test at home, but it’s essential to consult a pediatric sleep specialist to ensure the test is appropriate for their age and symptoms.


6. How soon will I get the results of my sleep apnea test in Chennai?

By choosing us for sleep study test in Chennai, you can ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of sleep disorders, improving your health and quality of life. You will get the verified reports within 24 hours.

Sleep Test in Chennai Price in India

Price of Sleep Test in Chennai in India is ₹3,599. The maximum retail price (MRP) set by the manufacturer is ₹11,000.00.

Optional add-ons:

1. Level 2: ₹2400.00

2. Add Consultation: ₹1000.00

Technical details

Sleep Study Level Level 3/ Level 2
Disorders Diagnosed Sleep Apnea

Additional details

Reporting Parameters AHI, Oxygen Saturation , Pulse Rate, Snoring Pattern

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